Thursday, July 26, 2012

Cebu International Academy, actually CIA is my first company that I am employed at. I started working here last 2011 and I have been here for nearly two years, but it was not all good experience for me. During my first month I had a hard time adjusting to the new teaching environment which is totally different from what we have here in the Philippines.
Unlike here in the Philippines that grammar is taught through speaking activities, for Koreans and other Asian nationality, grammar is taught like math; that there must be a formula for each and every sentences or even words that you are using. That they are so indulged with rules and the difficulty to bend their language principle is very complicated because of their age. Most students that we accept here are college students. But hey, college students in Korea and Japan or even Taiwan are different compare here in the Philippines with regards with their age. Here college students are from 16 to 20 or 21 years old. But in their country 18 – 22 until 25 years old especially in Korea that male students need to comply their military service for two years so most of them finish college at the age of 25 or so.  Maybe your asking, “ so what with the age?’ Koreans are very sensitive with age, for them age comes respect, so in my case that they  say I look thirty, I am having a good relationship with them.
So if you want to work longer with this job, you must act as mature as you can. Never immediately mention age or ask their age. Be Confident as you can. 

I will give you more ideas and information on how to deal and work with Koreans, and other Asian nationality.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

CIA 46th Speech Contest

Cebu International Academy holds a Speech Contest every other Friday to develop students' confidence in using the English language and also to provide an avenue for application of what the students have gained in studying in CIA.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Student Interaction at Cebu CIA

Cebu International Academy provides English study in Cebu City Philippines. This student have been staying in CIA for four months. Listen and watch this video as she tells her honest opinion about Cebu And CIA.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

In line with the July  opening of the new campus, Cebu International Academy hires at least 120 competent teachers to join it’s well equipped faculty to meet the increasing demand for English learning in Cebu City.  Universities and other education establishments are being visited by CIA Academic staff to look for qualified candidates. The applicant should be a graduate of an English teaching major or the like and a teaching license is a plus.
Experience is also an advantage for the position especially teachers who have experience in teaching Language courses like ESL, IELTS, TOEIC, TOEFL and TESOL. Having a pleasing personality, ability to work under pressure and willingness to work beyond what is expected is also a qualification.
Information on hiring is also posted on jobsites all over the Philippines and abroad until the end of May. #

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Cebu CIA Cares about the well fare of each students!
Doctor Bimbo Tequillo is member of Cebu Doctor's College of Medicine and a 
Specialist in Internal Medicine 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

English is a Crazy Language
by Richard Lederer

     English is the most widely spoken language in the history of our planet, used in some way by at least one out of every seven human beings around the globe.  Half of the world's books are written in English, and the majority of international telephone calls are made in English.  Sixty percent of the world's radio programs are beamed in English, and more than seventy percent of international mail is written and addressed in English.  Eighty percent of all computer texts, including all web sites, are stored in English.

     English has acquired the largest vocabulary of all the world's languages, perhaps as many as two million words, and has generated one of the noblest bodies of literature in the annals of the human race.  Nonetheless, it is now time to face the fact that English is a crazy language -- the most loopy and wiggy of all tongues.
In what other language do people drive in a parkway and park in a driveway?
In what other language do people play at a recital and recite at a play?
Why does night fall but never break and day break but never fall?
Why is it that when we transport something by car, it's called a shipment, but when we transport something by ship, it's called cargo?
Why does a man get a hernia and a woman a hysterectomy?
Why do we pack suits in a garment bag and garments in a suitcase? 
Why do privates eat in the general mess and generals eat in the private mess?
Why do we call it newsprint when it contains no printing but when we put print on it, we call it a newspaper?
Why are people who ride motorcycles called bikers and people who ride bikes called cyclists?
Why -- in our crazy language -- can your nose run and your feet smell?

     Language is like the air we breathe.  It's invisible, inescapable, indispensable, and we take it for granted.  But, when we take the time to step back and listen to the sounds that escape from the holes in people's faces and to explore the paradoxes and vagaries of English, we find that hot dogs can be cold, darkrooms can be lit, homework can be done in school, nightmares can take place in broad daylight while morning sickness and daydreaming can take place at night, tomboys are girls and midwives can be men, hours -- especially happy hours and rush hours -- often last longer than sixty minutes, quicksand works very slowly, boxing rings are square, silverware and glasses can be made of plastic and tablecloths of paper, most telephones are dialed by being punched (or pushed?), and most bathrooms don't have any baths in them.  In fact, a dog can go to the bathroom under a tree --  no bath, no room; it's still going to the bathroom.  And doesn't it seem a little bizarre that we go to the bathroom in order to go to the bathroom?

     Why is it that a woman can man a station but a man can't woman one, that a man can father a movement but a woman can't mother one, and that a king rules a kingdom but a queen doesn't rule a queendom?  How did all those Renaissance men reproduce when there don't seem to have been any Renaissance women?
     Sometimes you have to believe that all English speakers should be committed to an asylum for the verbally insane: 
In what other language do they call the third hand on the clock the second hand?
Why do they call them apartments when they're all together?
Why do we call them buildings, when they're already built?
Why it is called a TV set when you get only one?
Why is phonetic not spelled phonetically?
Why is it so hard to remember how to spell mnemonic?
 Why doesn't onomatopoeia sound like what it is?
Why is the word abbreviation so long?
Why is diminutive so undiminutive?
Why does the word monosyllabic consist of five syllables?
Why is there no synonym for synonym or thesaurus?
And why, pray tell, does lisp have an s in it? 

     English is crazy.
     If adults commit adultery, do infants commit infantry?  If olive oil is made from olives, what do they make baby oil from?  If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian consume?  If pro and con are opposites, is congress the opposite of progress?
     Why can you call a woman a mouse but not a rat -- a kitten but not a cat?  Why is it that a woman can be a vision, but not a sight -- unless your eyes hurt?  Then she can be "a sight for sore eyes."   
     A writer is someone who writes, and a stinger is something that stings.  But fingers don't fing, grocers don't groce, hammers don't ham, humdingers don't humding, ushers don't ush, and haberdashers do not haberdash.  
     If the plural of tooth is teeth, shouldn't the plural of booth be beeth?  One goose, two geese -- so one moose, two meese?  One index, two indices -- one Kleenex, two Kleenices?  If people ring a bell today and rang a bell yesterday, why don't we say that they flang a ball?  If they wrote a letter, perhaps they also bote their tongue.  If the teacher taught, why isn't it also true that the preacher praught?  Why is it that the sun shone yesterday while I shined my shoes, that I treaded water and then trod on the beach, and that I flew out to see a World Series game in which my favorite player flied out?
     If we conceive a conception and receive at a reception, why don't we grieve a greption and believe a beleption?  If a firefighter fights fire, what does a freedom fighter fight?  If a horsehair mat is made from the hair of horses, from what is a mohair coat made?  

     A slim chance and a fat chance are the same, as are a caregiver and a caretaker, a bad licking and a good licking, and "What's going on?" and "What's coming off?"  But a wise man and a wise guy are opposites.  How can sharp speech and blunt speech be the same and quite a lot and quite a few the same, while overlookand oversee are opposites?  How can the weather be hot as hell one day and cold as hell the next?
     If button and unbutton and tie and untie are opposites, why are loosen and unloosen and ravel and unravel the same?  If bad is the opposite of goodhard the opposite of soft, and up the opposite of down, why are badly and goodlyhardly and softly, and upright and downright not opposing pairs?  If harmless actions are the opposite of harmful actions, why are shameful and shameless behavior the same and pricey objects less expensive than priceless ones?  If appropriate and inappropriate remarks and passable and impassable mountain trails are opposites, why are flammable and inflammable materials, heritable and inheritable property, and passive and impassive people the same?  How can valuable objects be less valuable than invaluable ones?  If uplift is the same as lift up, why areupset and set up opposite in meaning?  Why are pertinent and impertinentcanny and uncanny, and famous and infamous neither opposites nor the same?  How canraise and raze and reckless and wreckless  be opposites when each pair contains the same sound?
     Why is it that when the sun or the moon or the stars are out, they are visible, but when the lights are out, they are invisible; that when I clip a coupon from a newspaper I separate it, but when I clip a coupon to a newspaper, I fasten it;  and that when I wind up my watch, I start it, but when I wind up this essay, I shall end it?

     English is a crazy language.
     How can expressions like "I'm mad about my flat," "No football coaches allowed," "I'll come by in the morning and knock you up," and "Keep your pecker up" convey such different messages in two countries that purport to speak the same English?
     How can it be easier to assent than to dissent but harder to ascend than to descend?  Why is it that a man with hair on his head has more hair than a man with hairs on his head; that if you decide to be bad forever, you choose to be bad for good; and that if you choose to wear only your left shoe, then your left one is right and your right one is left?  Right?
     Small wonder that we English users are constantly standing meaning on its head.  Let's look at a number of familiar English words and phrases that turn out to mean the opposite or something very different from what we think they mean:
A waiter.  Why do they call those food servers waiters, when it's the customers who do the waiting?
I could care less.  I couldn't care less is the clearer, more accurate version.  Why do so many people delete the negative from this statement?  Because they are afraid that the n't...less  combination will make a double negative, which is a no-no.
I really miss not seeing you.  Whenever people say this to me, I feel like responding, "All right, I'll leave!"  Here speakers throw in a gratuitous negative, not, even though I really miss seeing you is what they want to say.
The movie kept me literally glued to my seat.  The chances of our buttocks being literally epoxied to a seat are about as small as the chances of our literally rolling in the aisles while watching a funny movie or literally drowning in tears while watching a sad one.  We actually mean The movie kept me figuratively glued to my seat -- but who needs figuratively, anyway?    
A non-stop flight.  Never get on one of these.  You'll never get down.
A near miss.  A near miss is, in reality, a collision.  A close call is actually a near hit.
My idea fell between the cracks.  If something fell between the cracks, didn't it land smack on the planks or the concrete?  Shouldn't that be my idea fell into the cracks (or between the boards)? 
A hot water heater.  Who heats hot water?  This is similar to garbage disposal.  Actually, the stuff isn't garbage until after you dispose of it.
A hot cup of coffee.  Here again the English language gets us in hot water.  Who cares if the cup is hot?  Surely we mean a cup of hot coffee.
Doughnut holes.  Aren't those little treats really doughnut balls?  The holes are what's left in the original doughnut.  (And if a candy cane is shaped like a cane, why isn't a doughnut shaped like a nut?)
I want to have my cake and eat it too.  Shouldn't this timeworn cliché be I want to eat my cake and have it too?  Isn't the logical sequence that one hopes to eat the cake and then still possess it?
A one-night stand.  So who's standing?  Similarly, to sleep with someone.  Who's sleeping?
I'll follow you to the ends of the earth.  Let the word go out to the four corners of the earth that ever since Columbus we have known that the earth doesn't have any ends.
It's neither here nor there.  Then where is it?
Extraordinary.  If extra-fine means "even finer than fine"  and extra-large "even larger than large," why doesn't extraordinary mean "even more ordinary than ordinary"?  
The first century B.C.  These hundred years occurred much longer ago than people imagined.  What we call the first century B.C. was, in fact the last century B.C.
Daylight saving time.  Not a single second of daylight is saved by this ploy.
The announcement was made by a nameless official.  Just about everyone has a name, even officials.  Surely what is meant is "The announcement was made by an unnamed official."
Preplanpreboardpreheat, and prerecord.  Aren't people who do this simply planning, boarding, heating, and recording?  Who needs the pretentious prefix?  I have even seen shows "prerecorded before a live audience," certainly preferable to prerecording before a dead audience.
Pull up a chair.  We don't really pull a chair up; we pull it along the ground.  We don't pick up the phone; we pick up the receiver.  And we don't really throw up; we throw out.    
Put on your shoes and socks.  This is an exceedingly difficult maneuver.  Most of us put on our socks first, then our shoes.
A hit-and-run play.  If you know your baseball, you know that the sequence constitutes "a run-and-hit play."
The bus goes back and forth between the terminal and the airport. Again we find mass confusion about the order of events.  You have to go forth before you can go back.
I got caught in one of the biggest traffic bottlenecks of the year.  The bigger the bottleneck, the more freely the contents of the bottle flow through it.  To be true to the metaphor, we should say, I got caught in one of the smallest traffic bottlenecks of the year.
Underwater and underground.  Things that we claim are underwater and underground are obviously surrounded by, not under the water and ground.
I lucked out. To luck out sounds as if you're out of luck.  Don't you mean I lucked in?
     Because we speakers and writers of English seem to have our heads screwed on backwards, we constantly misperceive our bodies, often saying just the opposite of what we mean:
Watch your head.  I keep seeing this sign on low doorways, but I haven't figured out how to follow the instructions.  Trying to watch your head is like trying to bite your teeth.
They're head over heels in love.  That's nice, but all of us do almost everything head over heels.  If we are trying to create an image of people doing cartwheels and somersaults, why don't we say, They're heels over head in love?
Put your best foot forward.  Now let's see.... We have a good foot and a better foot -- but we don't have a third -- and best -- foot.  It's our better foot we want to put forward.  This grammar atrocity is akin to May the best team win.  Usually there are only two teams in the contest.  Similarly, in any list ofbestsellers, only the most popular book is genuinely a bestseller.  All the rest are bettersellers.
Keep a stiff upper lip.  When we are disappointed or afraid, which lip do we try to control?  The lower lip, of course, is the one we are trying to keep from quivering.
 I'm speaking tongue in cheek.  So how can anyone understand you?
Skinny.  If fatty means "full of fat," shouldn't skinny mean "full of skin"?
They do things behind my back.  You want they should do things in front of your back?
They did it ass backwards.  What's wrong with that?  We do everything ass backwards.

     English is weird.
     In the rigid expressions that wear tonal grooves in the record of our language, beck can appear only with callcranny with nookhue with crymain with might,fettle only with fineaback with takencaboodle with kit, and spick and span only with each other.  Why must all shrifts be short, all lucre filthy, all bystanders innocent, and all bedfellows strange?  I'm convinced that some shrifts are lengthy and that some lucre is squeaky clean, and I've certainly met guilty bystanders and perfectly normal bedfellows.
     Why is it that only swoops are fell?  Sure, the verbivorous William Shakespeare invented the expression "one fell swoop," but why can't strokes, swings, acts, and the like also be fell?  Why are we allowed to vent our spleens but never our kidneys or livers?  Why must it be only our minds that are boggled and never our eyes or our hearts?  Why can't eyes and jars be ajar, as well as doors?  Why must aspersions always be cast and never hurled or lobbed?
     Doesn't it seem just a little wifty that we can make amends but never just one amend; that no matter how carefully we comb through the annals of history, we can never discover just one annal; that we can never pull a shenanigan, be in a doldrum, eat an egg Benedict, or get just one jitter, a willy, a delirium tremen, or a heebie-jeebie.  Why, sifting through the wreckage of a disaster, can we never find just one smithereen?
     Indeed, this whole business of plurals that don't have matching singulars reminds me to ask this burning question, one that has puzzled scholars for decades: If you have a bunch of odds and ends and you get rid of or sell off all but one of them, what do you call that doohickey with which you're left?
     What do you make of the fact that we can talk about certain things and ideas only when they are absent?  Once they appear, our blessed English doesn't allow us to describe them.  Have you ever seen a horseful carriage or a strapful gown?  Have you ever run into someone who was combobulated, sheveled, gruntled, chalant, plussed, ruly, gainly, maculate, pecunious, or peccable?  Have you ever met a sung hero or experienced requited love?  I know people who are no spring chickens, but where, pray tell, are the people who are spring chickens?  Where are the people who actually would hurt a fly?  All the time I meet people who aregreat shakes, who can cut the mustard, who can fight City Hall, who are my cup of tea, who would lift a finger to help, who would give you the time of day, and whom I would touch with a ten-foot pole, but I can't talk about them in English -- and that is a laughing matter.
     If the truth be told, all languages are a little crazy.  As Walt Whitman might proclaim, they contradict themselves.  That's because language is invented, not discovered, by boys and girls and men and women, not computers.  As such, language reflects the creative and fearful asymmetry of the human race, which, of course, isn't really a race at all.  
     That's why we wear a pair of pants but, except on very cold days, not a pair of shirts.  That's why men wear a bathing suit and bathing trunks at the same time.  That's why brassiere is singular but panties is plural.   That's why there's a team in Toronto called the Maple Leafs and another in Minnesota called theTimberwolves.
     That's why sixseveneight, and nine change to sixtyseventyeighty, and ninety, but twothreefour, and five do not become twotythreetyfourty, andfivety.  That's why first-degree murder is more serious than third-degree murder but a third-degree burn is more serious than a first-degree burn. That's why we can open up the floor, climb the walls, raise the roof, pick up the house, and bring down the house.
     In his essay "The Awful German Language," Mark Twain spoofs the confusion engendered by German gender by translating literally from a conversation in a German Sunday school book: "Gretchen. Wilhelm, where is the turnip?  Wilhelm.  She has gone to the kitchen.  Gretchen. Where is the accomplished and beautiful English maiden?  Wilhelm. It has gone to the opera."  Twain continues: "A tree is male, its buds are female, its leaves are neuter; horses are sexless, dogs are male, cats are female -- tomcats included."
     Still, you have to marvel at the unique lunacy of the English language, in which you can turn a light on and you can turn a light off and you can turn a light out, but you can't turn a light in; in which the sun comes up and goes down, but prices go up and come down -- a gloriously wiggy tongue in which your house can simultaneously burn up and burn down and your car can slow up and slow down, in which you fill in a form by filling out a form, in which your alarm clock goes off by going on, in which you are inoculated for measles by being inoculated against measles, in which you add up a column of figures by adding them down, and in which you first chop a tree down -- and then you chop it up.

Friday, March 30, 2012

TOEIC speaking class in Cebu CIA

Enjoy speaking and interacting with different nationalities!
Study English in a very interactive way!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Cebu International Academy participates in a number of job fairs in Cebu City to cater the demand for skillful and dedicated teachers in the field of language teaching. The Academic Department has visited San Carlos University for a two day man hunt. On addition, another scheduled for another fair will be this March 25, Sunday, a city wide job hunt facilitated by the City Government at the Abellana National High School where hundreds of qualified applicants will participate. To wrap up the month, the Academic department will join the Cebu Technological University Job fair on March 30.
Amidst the numerous applicants, CIA is still following a very tight qualification process that makes the employment of new teachers more challenging.. #

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Cebu CIA will open its TESOL program at the new campus in July. The TESOL program provides eight weeks of skill and strategy enhancement to those who wants to teach the English to non-native speakers.

So as to fully prepare for this program, 30 teachers from CIA underwent a TESOL Training handled by prestigious professors namely Prof. Paul  Robertson and Pro. Mark Helgesen. Selected CIA faculty is currently on training to serve as instructors for the courses offered under the TESOL class. These teachers will serve as the pillars of the course were they are tasked to formulate suitable learning environment, utmost level of teaching which can give learners teaching competence.

The teacher will be also being required to receive the actual TESOL training and the appropriate accredited certificate under the Asian EFL Journal. 

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Cebu CIA Students Confession

By: Chiu Shang Yu - Sandro

I have been learning English in CIA for five months. Overall, I am satisfied with my life and studying here, so I would like to share some of my ideas.

We have three man-to-man classes every day. Most of the tutors can find students’ weakness, and they will enhance it based on different students. In my opinion, it is the best part of learning English here. In addition, there are three group classes everyday. In these classes, we can discuss the topics in the books with classmates who have the same level. During the discussion, I can perceive different vocabularies and expressions used by different students. Therefore, I often learn something new from others. Honestly, it is really tiring to attend classes 8 hours a day. Aside from a self-study class, we still have activity class. The students can join some interesting classes according to our hobbies and interest. This academy has some policies about attendance and test. For example, we need to join vocabulary test every morning, and we cannot go outside the school in the evening if we fail it. Moreover, we cannot go out on the weekend if we don’t get enough scores in a week. It is, however, very easy to pass the test if we study a little bit every night. Besides, the main reason we came here is studying, isn’t it?

I went to Australia and studied in a language school before. The biggest difference in Australian academy is that they don’t provide the dormitory. The students go back to their own accommodations after school, so it’s hard to make friends with classmates. The classrooms and dormitory in CIA are in the same building, it’s very easy to meet classmates and have good friendship with them. Because there are few Taiwanese students here, I consider it is a good environment for practicing. I have to communicate with my Korean and Japanese friends in English, thus, I can practice my conversation skill at a relaxing atmosphere.

All of the CIA staff are friendly and enthusiastic; we always give us advice and help us deal with our problems, related to our lives or education. Basically, they provide the students with comfortable environment to let us concentrate in studying. In my view, the only one deficiency is food. Most of the food they serve is Korean cuisine. Because I am not into spicy food, this is the only part I can’t get used to.

Before coming to the Philippines, I heard that it is a bad country of public order. When I arrived here at first, I was shocked by seeing security guards holding weapons everywhere. To be honest, I was a little scared about this situation. However, nothing bad happened to me in three months. I think it won’t be a problem if you keep your belongings safely and not to go out alone. CIA is very close to SM Mall; it only takes 5 minutes on foot. We can buy the daily supplies we need there, also, there are various restaurants and stores we can choose from. In addition, Cebu is a good place for traveling. There are many holiday resorts near Cebu City, or you can take a ferry to travel to other islands around here. There are many places worth to visit.

If you want to focus on studying in English without too much financial pressure, you can consider about Cebu, Philippines. In addition, CIA will be one of the best choice.
Chiu Shang Yu - Sandro

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Friday, March 2, 2012

CIA Opens TESOL Program

The TESOL Certificate Program is designed for teachers of English as a Foreign Language who want to continue their professional development, for international students who wish to be trained as teachers of the English Language and for recent college graduates who want to teach abroad.
Enrollees receive intensive academic training and take part in relevant professional and cultural experiences, all within a 160-hour period of instruction. 

Ø  Give the instructor a sound knowledge of the principles and foundation of second language acquisition and the methods to apply the principles in different classroom settings.
     Ø  Explore different materials and technologies in teaching the language
Ø  Acquire more knowledge about Second Language Learning.
Ø  Engage in meaningful interactions with international colleagues.
Ø  Immerse oneself in English and environment with diverse cultures. 

(Options for English for Special Purposes (ESP))
Certificate in Teaching Business English
Certificate in Teaching IELTS Preparation
Certificate in Teaching English to Young Learners

                  Course Content
·         Principles of  Second Language Acquisition
·         Methodologies, Approaches and Techniques in English Language Teaching
·         Structure of English and Language Analysis (Speaking and Listening Skills)
·         Reading and Writing in the ESL/EFL Classroom
·         Cultural Issues in the ESL/EFL Classroom
·         Language Assessment
·         Resource Management (Materials and Technology for Language Teaching and Learning)
·         Practicum

Friday, February 24, 2012

Cebu International Academy  opens its second campus in July 2012. The new building can cater to 230 students that studies specific English courses: IELTS, TOEIC and  TESOL.
It does not only offer better facilities but also varied courses that will definitely match students’ interest.
The students will have their classes in the Education Building and after the day, They can enjoy superb relaxation in cozy hotel-like rooms at a separate building from the class rooms.
The building’s location is still an advantage for the new site is very close to establishments such as a malls, restaurants, cafés and recreational venues that makes students stay convenient. The site is located at A.S. Fortuna Mandaue City. #

Thursday, February 23, 2012


            CEBU INTERNATIONAL ACADEMY (CIA) is a duly registered and legitimate corporation existing by virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines.
            The Academy has a license to operate by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as an English Language Institution on July 29, 2003.  Its Private Company Registered to operate is CS200315763. It’s based at Cabahug St. North Reclamation Area Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines 6000. 
            From its inception in 2003, CIA has successfully managed the enrolment, admission, accommodation, orientation, training and on-going pastoral care for over 160 students. Clients and agencies are drawn from over 2 countries in Asia which are Korea and Japan making CIA one of Philippines’ most ethnically diverse language centers.
Quality and Customer care has always been at the heart of CIA’s business strategy, allowing the company to prosper in a very competitive international education market. On the academic side, there are two education heads and 70 teachers that carry out the main responsibility of providing educational service to its clients. It is guaranteed that the academy has the full capacity to undertake any conceivable security requirement needed to secure lives and properties.
It all started with two partners Mr. Lee Hyeong Geun and Mr. Ju Don Lim ventured in the business where they see that there was inclination on the need of learning English.  It was first based in Pajac Road, Lapu-Lapu City 6015. As number of students increased, they decided to move and be relocated in the heart of the city and utilized Victoria Hotel at #174 V. Gullas Street, Cebu City 6000 where it could accommodate the number of students predicted and in strategic location. In 2006, Mr. Lee solely owned the right of the business.
Korean, Japanese and Taiwanese students come to study courses from one week to six months depending on their objectives for learning English. There would be an entire package of instruction, plus airport meet and greet and welcoming home stay accommodation or on-campus hostel is offered to every client.
           Students may start on any Monday throughout the year, fifty weeks of the year. All students undertake an orientation program on arrival, have extensive counseling services available on a 24 hour basis, and are provided graduation certificates on completion of programs. Many of these students undertake the above programs as a precursor to further study in another institution, or travel afterwards throughout the globe.
We use field innovation to find new approaches and the inspiration to improve ourselves, while delivering added value to our customers as we rigidly improve their four macro skills in order for the students to face the world with confidence where they can understand and be understood globally.
            As a language institution, the Cebu International Academy aspires to be the best language institution in the Queen City of the South, Cebu and in the entire Asia.

            Devoted to provide professional and high quality service to our students/clients/guests, providing opportunities to be users of the English language proficiently, and establish a cultural channel between Korea, the Philippines and other Asian countries.

·         Service, Truth, Honesty, Peace, Love, Respect, Kindness, Friendliness, Integrity, Sincerity, and Good Deeds.
·         Good relationship within and outside the community.
·         Individual differences regardless of race, culture, and status in life.
·         Best quality service to be rendered especially to our guests / clients / students.
·         Our role as a cultural channel between Korea, the Philippines and other Asian countries.
·         We respect human rights.
·         We comply with all laws and regulations.
·         We act with fairness in our business dealings.
·         We protect and respect intellectual property.
·         We maintain confidentiality.
·         We do not use our position in our organization for personal gain.